[TenTec] Jupiter Solid Aluminum Main Tuning Dial

james.viars at comcast.net james.viars at comcast.net
Tue Apr 13 09:01:09 PDT 2010


Thanks for the lesson in economics. 

Now for yours..... 

1) I never ASKED for comments or feedback. Re-read the original email. However,  I understand how this could be mistaken.  But, feedback is not flat-out telling someone how much an item should cost. I have worked retail, and I have sold many, many things as a private dealer as well. If you don't like the price, the simple option is not to buy the item. 

2) This was a stated opinion.  Had you looked at the picture in the original email that I linked to, you can plainly see that the original dial is plastic. Perhaps the newer Jupiters have metal dials. Mine is an older grey case. The dial is plastic. ( http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee21/Sn1per03/knobcompare.jpg ) 

3) Considering the cost of raw material, the logistics of transportation, shipping, and oh, the fact that I am paying to have this machine work done in the first place, I believe to have priced this fairly. If you don't want to pay that price, then don't.  There are a lot of factors that I have considered in pricing these dials. Sure, the machinist turning  these is my Father, but that does not mean he is free. I assure you, HALF the cost of these dials is labor cost. That is actually none of anyone's business, but I figured that I would throw that out there too. Furthermore, I pay shipping, I pay tax, and I pay for transportation. The end user ONLY pays $50. Nothing else to think about. Honestly, just based off of past experiences with similar things, I could charge you $30 and you would only want to pay $20. Some people are never happy. 

4) I work with a few engineers. I get their mindset. But this was an offering for sale, not for consultant work. To whom that applies to, the reason for a response such as mine was that I was emailed privately several times about engineering changes. Nothing personal, you just happen to catch the "last straw." 

5) The complaints about the design changes are warranted . You see, this email service is not the only site that I have received such feedback/pushback. The design of the knob was not to reinvent it. It was a perceived improvement. If anything, its a redundant design, simply more robust. Based on your logic, perhaps I should drive over to TT and tell them what they should do differently. Most likely that would result in a smile, nod, and a polite suggestion to leave the office. But here is the difference; I don't like the dial, so I fixed it. The end user of this dial is absolutely able to finish or fix it to his or her lik ing. Not going to hurt my feelings. That's how progress and innovation works. But if you think that you can make a better dial, with a cheaper price....please, be my guest. 

As for the customer being interested and invested, that comes with the purchase. Let's use your Lamborghini concept. Lots of people are interested in them, but cannot afford one. Maybe lots of people can afford it, but only chose to suggest design changes to suit their style. Building on that, which designs do you accept, and which do you discard? The answer is simple; you stick with what you have. Ford said it best, "You can have any color you want, as long as it's black." That is how this dial comes. Aluminum, in the white (unfinished, as we say in the gun industry), and ready for work. 

 My dial is not bling, nor is it super custom. What it does is add a nice heavy feel to an already outstanding radio. I do not tell customers what they want. I give them, in this case, two choices. Yes or no. Yes, it is just that simple. Anger is not the reaction that I was giving. It was getting everyone back on track. If that is how you perceived it, then very well, although I offer no apologies. Additionally, don't lecture me on being tolerate to consumers. Without consumers, my product goes nowhere. I have covered all my bases. I expected some would not like this dial. I make no bones about that, and am not even annoyed at that prospect. But in the end, I have two objectives to meet...I) make a dial that is Identical to the original minus the plastic, and 2) make a profit. Easy, huh? 

With that, you can have your vote back. 

73's and good DX 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richards" <jruing at ameritech.net> 
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 5:41:24 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Jupiter Solid Aluminum Main Tuning Dial 

1)   Hey.... you ASKED for comments and feedback.   You 
        should not complain you got what you asked for. 
        Now you scold us for getting excited and involved 
        in the process.    NUTS. 

2)   MY original knob is made of metal and not cheap plastic 

3)   I am sure you are charging a fair, even low price ... but 
        that does not mean everyone will want one at that price. 
         Lots of things are priced low         relative to cost of production, 
        but not everyone will pay that price.  I am sure Lamborghini 
        charges a fair price for its ride ... bit it is more than I will 
        spend for a compact car. 

4)  You cannot blame engineers for applying physics.  That is what 
        they are, and what they do.   Besides, the analysis confirms 
        the plan. 

5)    You should not complain because a few have proposed design 
        changes... because they are both engineers and consumers. 
        Manufacturers should not get angry because consumers 
        have ideas as to what they want.   The market is a two way 
        street - manufacturers give it their best shot, but that does 
        not mean they have fully or accurately anticipated consumer 
        demand.   Besides, this sort of feedback shows the customer 
        is invested in the product, and interested in how it is made. 
        You should be flattered and not annoyed at this. 

Overall, you asked for comments and cannot realistically expect 
us to limit our answers to a simple "yes" or "no"  as to whether or 
not we would buy one at your price. 

Given your angry reaction to consumers, I would not buy one if it were 
free.  It is obvious you have no patience for consumer input, and are 
angry at us for getting excited about what you are doing.     Sheesh! 
It is clear you want to tell consumers what they want, and will not 
tolerate it any other way. 

I retract my previous vote. 

Happy days to ya and good luck on the project. 

===================== JHR  ========================== 

In all the upshot is the guys are pretty much excited about it and I 
would say quite 

On 4/12/2010 2:09 PM, james.viars at comcast.net wrote: 
> Everyone... 
> It's a knob/dial. It is meant to replace the cheap plastic one.  It's solid. It weighs 4oz. It's $50 shipped. 
> I have comments to the effect that I am asking too much, to Newtonian Physics about the end weight of a mass at the end of short shaft. 
> I have had suggestions to make it more of one way or another. Be it color or size or whatever. 
> I will not change it, color it, make it heavier or lighter. If you think it should be cheaper, then YOU invest in the lathe and mill or find a machinst who will do it for you. 
> Allow me to make it this simple.... Respond to me and let me know if you want one. If not, don't respond. 
> N4EGA ex KJ4QPK 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "David Goncalves"<davegoncalves at gmail.com> 
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"<tentec at contesting.com> 
> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 1:59:21 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Jupiter Solid Aluminum Main Tuning Dial 
> Yes! +1 for super humor sense! 
> David Goncalves 
> W1EUJ 
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Dave Heil<k8mn at frontiernet.net>  wrote 
>> I couldn't have put it better myself! 
>> Dave Heil K8MN 
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