[TenTec] Orion II v 2.042A: Not Ready for Prime Time!

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Wed Apr 14 11:10:34 PDT 2010

The ALC light problem is a result of needing much more audio than before. 
The serial port problem is something I didn't test for yesterday, but I 
heard from a couple of users off-list about it.

To be fair, there were a few things in the new version that were 'keepers'. 
The short test I did on the NR (in RF AGC mode) showed a dramatic 
improvement.  I listened for a really weak CW signal on 40 meters with a lot 
of lightning noise on the band and the NR pulled the station right out of 
the mud. Another user found this too.  Also, the sweep action is much better 
and the problem with the S-meter "sticking" while tuning is better.  I 
assume the 'red screen' problem is fixed too, but I didn't have the firmware 
installed long enough to declare that fixed.

I'll keep hoping that a "B" version is released soon!

            Ron N6IE

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Natan" <w6xr at frontiernet.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion II v 2.042A: Not Ready for Prime Time!

> Wes,
> I agree that something new needs to be done.  My loading of the latest
> firmware decreased my RF output, introduced distortion on RX signal, did
> away with the ALC enunciator on the front panel, and prevented WriteLog 
> from
> reading the frequency!  I probably missed a few but I had so much anger at
> the Ten Tec folks for releasing yet another bad batch of software, I just
> loaded up a previous firmware version and waited for a reoccurrence of the
> red screen.
> Ten Tec needs to get their business in order or more folks are going to be
> shopping on the left coast as I am now doing.  Where is the management of
> Ten Tec while this is going on?  Indeed, not ready for prime time.
> 73
> Natan W6XR
> Freeville, NY
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Wes Attaway (N5WA)" <wesattaway at bellsouth.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:42 PM
> To: "'Ron Castro'" <ronc at sonic.net>; "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'"
> <tentec at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion II  v 2.042A: Not Ready for Prime Time!
>> It sounds like TenTec has someone "new" working with the software and who
>> doesn't have a firm grasp of what is going on.  It is definitely hard to
>> understand why they released something with so many defects.
>> There is obviously a lot of interaction between many of the functions so
>> whoever is doing the programming would need to have a real good
>> understanding of how the radio works.  They would also need to be able to
>> turn the radio on and use it.  Based on user reports, it doesn't sound
>> like
>> this is the case.
>> All-in-all, it is a baffling situation.  It has to make everyone wonder
>> about TenTec's commitment to the O and O-II.
>> If the code and appropriate notes were released into the public domain
>> then
>> maybe some of the users could do a better job.
>> ------------------ Wes Attaway (N5WA) ------------------
>> 1138 Waters Edge Circle - Shreveport, LA 71106
>>    318-797-4972 (office) - 318-393-3289 (cell)
>>        Computer Consulting and Forensics
>> -------------- EnCase Certified Examiner ---------------
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com 
>> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
>> On Behalf Of Ron Castro
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 10:50 AM
>> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion II v 2.042A: Not Ready for Prime Time!
>> I'm glad we're only test piloting software and not airplanes, or I'd be a
>> goner for sure!
>>            Ron Castro
>>  Chief Technical Officer
>>     Results Radio, LLC
>>                N6IE
>>       www.N6IE.com
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: <Rsoifer at aol.com>
>> To: <ronc at sonic.net>; <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 7:34 AM
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion II v 2.042A: Not Ready for Prime Time!
>>> Ron and others,
>>> Many thanks for your fine work.  After playing with 2.042A overnight,
>>> I've
>>> re-installed 2.041XT and will await T-T's next try.
>>> 73 Ray W2RS
>>> In a message dated 4/14/2010 2:45:00 A.M. GMT Standard Time,
>>> ronc at sonic.net
>>> writes:
>>> I keep  hoping that it's something simple like a hiccup while I was
>>> flashing
>>> the  new firmware, so I'm interested if anyone else finds the same 
>>> things
>>> I'm
>>> finding in the behavior.
>>> Ron  N6IE
>>> www.N6IE.com
>>> -----  Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Gene Henderson"  <wb9hla at comcast.net>
>>> To: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>;  "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"
>>> <tentec at contesting.com>
>>> Sent:  Tuesday, April 13, 2010 7:26 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion II v 2.042A:  Not Ready for Prime Time!
>>>> Ron,
>>>> Looks like someone  forgot to install this on a radio and see if it
>>> worked.
>>>> I agree with  you
>>>> not even close to Prime Time
>>>> Gene WB9HLA
>>>>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>> From: "Ron Castro"  <ronc at sonic.net>
>>>> To: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>;  "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"
>>>>  <tentec at contesting.com>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010  21:50
>>>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion II v 2.042A: Not Ready for Prime  Time!
>>>>> Addendum to my post:  on problem #1,  I'm referring to the RX audio.
>>>>> TX
>>>>> audio (other than more  drive needed and processor problem) still
>>>>> sounds
>>>>> broadcast  quality.
>>>>>             Ron   N6IE
>>>>>        www.N6IE.com
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>  From: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>
>>>>> To:  <tentec at contesting.com>
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 6:41  PM
>>>>> Subject: [TenTec] Orion II v 2.042A: Not Ready for Prime  Time!
>>>>>> Here are a list of problems I  found right off with the v. 2.042A,
>>>>>> even
>>>>>> after doing a battery  reset and two master resets and memory clear:
>>>>>>  1.. Very  noticeable distortion on all audio.  Sounds like overdrive
>>> in
>>>>>> IF
>>>>>> or DSP section.
>>>>>>   2.. AGC hang in AF AGC.  S-meter goes up and never comes down!  At
>>> same
>>>>>> time, RF gain goes down and does not come back up.   If you manually
>>> turn
>>>>>> the RF Gain all the way to 0, then back  up to 100, the radio is
>>>>>> essentially muted.  This will not  happen if the "AGC Hang" setting 
>>>>>> is
>>> 0,
>>>>>> but then distortion is  really bad.
>>>>>>  3.. NR does not work in AF AGC mode.   Does seem to work well in RF
>>>>>> AGC
>>>>>> mode.
>>>>>>   4.. Much more audio drive needed on AUX input for SSB.  It looks
>>>>>> like
>>>>>> about 10 dB more.
>>>>>>  5.. AM carrier=  1.25 Watts max!  That's at 100% PWR setting.
>>>>>>  6.. FM  carrier= 6.4 Watts max.
>>>>>>  7.. SSB Speech Processor gives  only around 50 Watts max peak 
>>>>>> output.
>>>>>> You
>>>>>> can  get it up to 100 Watts when you crank it to "way beyond
>>>>>> reasonable
>>>>>> distortion".
>>>>>>  8.. Could not  find any sort of S-Meter calibration
>>>>>> Here are the good points  so far:
>>>>>>  1.. Side tone is louder and spot level is  too.
>>>>>>  2.. Waterfall display is much  improved.
>>>>>>  3.. Difference in frequency between Main and  Sub improved, but 
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> "phase  locked".  I detect about 0.1 Hz differential which should 
>>>>>> make
>>> it
>>>>>> fine for true diversity antenna work.
>>>>>>   4.. In RF AGC mode, the NR really does seem improved, although it's
>>>>>> hard
>>>>>> to tell with the audio distortion  mentioned above.
>>>>>> So that's the good, the bad and the ugly of  it!  I'm QSYing back to
>>>>>> v.
>>>>>> 2.039d, the last one that  worked right...
>>>>>>         Ron  N6IE
>>>>>>        www.N6IE.com
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