[TenTec] Orion II T/R Relay Noise Reduction Ideas?

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Fri Apr 23 19:23:20 PDT 2010


I noticed the same thing and tried encapsulating the relay with that 
material that's like Coax Seal.  It quieted the relay completely, but I 
noticed that when I ran in CW contests, after a few hours the relay would 
stick for a second in the TX position, so I changed out the relay with a new 
one from TT, but this time I left the leads on it an didn't press it all the 
way down into the circuit board.  I can still hear it, but it's not as loud 
as when the radio was new.

Hope that helps!

            Ron N6IE

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "fraz1" <fraz1 at bellsouth.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 6:42 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Orion II T/R Relay Noise Reduction Ideas?

> Hi Folks....
> No, my relay noise is NOT loud......at all.
> But, I'm spoiled.  My first original Orion was perfectly quiet in QSK 
> mode.  I could place my ear on the top cover and nothing, nada.
> I have had two Orion II's and both have an audible relay click when using 
> QSK.  It is not annoying or loud, but I'd like to improve on it, if 
> reasonably possible.
> The same T/R relay has been used in both Orion models.  It is made 
> exclusively for TT by US Relays and Technology Inc.  It is tubular and 
> hard wired to the rear PCB.  TT claims no change has been made in the 
> relay or mounting method.
> Has anyone played with this, and been successful?  If so, please share 
> your method.
> Thanks, and 73..........John W4II
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