[TenTec] Hearing the Weak Stations

Steve Miller hsmiller at awsllc.net
Sun Apr 25 12:45:35 PDT 2010

There gets to be a practical point where receiver sensitivity becomes 
rather meaningless.  One can hear the weak ones with most of the 
modern radios though there certainly are differences in their 
abilities to pull stations out of the static and qrm as well as 
handling qrm from adjacent stations.   Most transceivers will hear 
the stations but unless one has at least a modest amount of 
propagation, hearing them will be one thing; working them 
another.    That's where knowing how to get the best out of your 
radio becomes very important.   All radios have strengths and 
weaknesses but knowing your radio well can help you to overcome many 
of the weaknesses.   It would be interesting to know just how many 
weak stations are worked when one can barely "pull them out" of the 
receiver.   It appears to me that no matter how great our receivers 
are or how well we know the radio, we're still at the mercies of 
propagation!!   So comparing radios is great but understanding that 
there are limits even then is equally important.   Will spending two 
or three times the amount for one radio over another  truly be 
justified?    Probably not but that doesn't keep any of from 
wanting!! hi   Steve   

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