[TenTec] [Fwd: Line Isolator Balun (sorta) question.]

Glenn AE0Q gm5bkc at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 12:10:45 PDT 2010

Right away I thought "they work in my station" !  I have used the Radio
Works Line Isolator for the same reasons as Rick (2nd story station with
long or no grounding wiring).  Has always cured my strange RF floating

Glenn AE0Q

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 12:25 PM, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP <Rick at dj0ip.de> wrote:

> I have had different experience, Jerry.
> Living in Europe, I often found myself with the ham shack on the 2nd or 3rd
> floor and occasionally even higher.
> Obtaining a good ground is a challenge under these conditions.
> Running my Omni V, VI, and VI+ into a linear, I sometimes found I would
> have
> certain bands where I couldn't run more than about 300w before the circuit
> breaker on the 961 blew.  Usually it was 15m but sometimes even 40m.
> I found by inserting a line isolator (mine was from Radio Works) between
> the
> transceiver and the linear, it always cured this problem.
> A few times I had my shack at ground level or in the basement and had a
> short lead to a good ground.
> I never encountered this problem under these good conditions.
> My take out of that was always have one of these line isolators with me on
> my portable operations because you never know what kind of ground you will
> get at the portable QTH.
> 73
> Rick
> --
"Remember, any tool can be the right tool!"   Red Green

     AE0Q           ex: GM5BKC, ZB2WZ, V31RY, SV0WY, WA0VPK
ae0q at arrl.net    --SOWP 5558-M, ARRL LM, QCWA LM, OOTC, NCVA--

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