[TenTec] [Fwd: Line Isolator Balun (sorta) question.]

Steve Hunt steve at karinya.net
Fri Aug 6 13:18:48 PDT 2010

Take a look at the 8th line here:

10 FB-31-1020 beads slipped over RG213 produces a choke which is 
resitive from 4MHz to beyond 28MHz. However, I would agree that using 
beads is not an efficient use of the ferrite material - it produces 
relatively low CM impedance for the volume of ferrite used. As we know, 
you can wind much more effective chokes with multi-turns on toroid forms.

Steve G3TXQ

Jim Brown K9YC wrote:
> The only beads I know of that are suitable for HF are the tiny beads that 
> W2DU found 30 years ago for his chokes. They only fit miniature coax, and 
> it takes HUNDREDS of them to make a choke that still doesn't work as well 
> as the multi-turn I've described. Those made with fewer beads are less 
> effective AND they can be blown up with high power. 
> 73, Jim Brown K9YC

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