[TenTec] swr

george fritkin georgefritkin at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 16 15:40:07 PDT 2010

The description is not properly written. Lock at at the antenna description.  It should say "using high loss coax" not low loss.  Point of fact the SWR loss using Times LM-400 or Belden RG-213 is under 1 DB typically with these types of antennas with moderate SWR.  
George, W6GF

--- On Mon, 8/16/10, Richards <jruing at ameritech.net> wrote:

From: Richards <jruing at ameritech.net>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] swr
To: geraldj at weather.net, "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Date: Monday, August 16, 2010, 11:45 AM

Interesting...  I was not aware they had something like that.
This may require a deeper look see.

I like the honesty of the catalog description when they say:

        However, at 160/80M it is virtually impossible
        to match this antenna from your shack because
        of the low radiation resistance. If you are using
        low loss coax, you will lose much power in the
        coax and unun due to bad antenna mismatches.
        Installed at the base of the 43’ vertical, AV-6110
        will significantly eliminate these losses and put 1
        60 and 80 Meter bands back within the tuning
        range of the tuner inside the shack.

That sounds reasonable and accurate - not over stated.

PS --  I like the syntax of the last bit...   "significantly eliminate"...
it is either Is that the same as "very eliminated"  or just
"sorta alot eliminated"  or what?

==========================K8JHR  =========================

On 8/16/2010 3:01 AM, Dr. Gerald N. Johnson wrote:

> Tou could always try the Hy-gain AV-6110
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