[TenTec] swr

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Mon Aug 16 19:18:44 PDT 2010

A 43' vertical is a serious mismatch on 160 and 80, its too short, has a 
low radiation resistance and lots of reactance. That makes a tuner run a 
high loaded Q and have lots of circulating current in its circuits.

I don't know what is in the $250 box, likely a loading coil with some 
sort of switching like a series resonant circuit for each band to select 
the right amount of loading coil. There wasn't a manual available for it 
on line to learn more.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

On 8/16/2010 1:45 PM, Richards wrote:
> Interesting...  I was not aware they had something like that.
> This may require a deeper look see.
> I like the honesty of the catalog description when they say:
> However, at 160/80M it is virtually impossible
> to match this antenna from your shack because
> of the low radiation resistance. If you are using
> low loss coax, you will lose much power in the
> coax and unun due to bad antenna mismatches.
> Installed at the base of the 43’ vertical, AV-6110
> will significantly eliminate these losses and put 1
> 60 and 80 Meter bands back within the tuning
> range of the tuner inside the shack.
> That sounds reasonable and accurate - not over stated.
> PS -- I like the syntax of the last bit... "significantly eliminate"...
> it is either Is that the same as "very eliminated" or just
> "sorta alot eliminated" or what?
> ==========================K8JHR =========================
> On 8/16/2010 3:01 AM, Dr. Gerald N. Johnson wrote:
>> Tou could always try the Hy-gain AV-6110

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