[TenTec] swr

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Tue Aug 17 08:38:36 PDT 2010

A box possibly built to have much lower losses and far better 
survivability than the $400 auto tuner since the box is made 
specifically for that antenna. Changing the losses from 90% or more in 
the abused tuner at the extreme of its tuning capability to maybe 10% in 
the specialized box. Its a practical solution costing a great deal more 
than buying or winding a coil and box and assembling something. Its one 
way to get a signal on multiple bands in the modern postage stamp 
estate. I should have included a ;<) on that post to show it was tongue 
in cheek. I probably won't do it, I've had my fling with single 
nonresonant verticals about 50 years ago. I might go with a trap 
vertical on the middle of my machine shed roof giving it a solid metal 
ground plane about 50 feet on a side, that should work well. Last time I 
tossed one up on a corn bin it did work very well for FD with a smaller 
ground plane.

The 43' radiator is a good 60 through 20 meter radiator, with low 
radiation efficiency below that, but better than no antenna at all, and 
with high radiation angles above that range, again marginally better 
than no antenna at all. The price of the commercially made radiator with 
tuner is obscene compared to the price of a vintage trap vertical that 
needs little tuning and is a working quarter wave with a low radiation 
angle on all its bands and takes up only a little more space (3" 
diameter vs 1-1/4" diameter). The 43' radiator a scheme that will soon 
pass as its found to work so poorly compared to any other antenna at the 
ends of its frequency range.

On 8/17/2010 9:46 AM, george fritkin wrote:
> You are just moving the match losses out to the $250.00 box at the
> antenna. You are reducing the SWR losses in the coax. So for maybe 1/2
> DB coax loss you can spend the $250.00. It does not make the 43 foot
> radiator a better antenna'
> George, W6GF

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