[TenTec] Omni VI D4-D5

Gordon Gibson gordon at gibson174.plus.com
Wed Aug 18 03:55:39 PDT 2010

Hi Tentec'ers

1) I recently had a problem with D4 & D5 on the low pass filter board (81592) on my Omni VI (circa Nov92) which in the manual  are 1N4007

a previous owner had replaced one of the original diodes with a pair of MPN3700 in series with a 22pf to earth

However  in my wisdom i decided to put it back as in the book to a pair of 1N4007's this works no problem, however i now find that my S meter readings are about 2-3 S Points down from when it last worked  correctly!

The 1N4007's seem to be lossy on receive so I wonder if anyone can recommend replacements

2) Thanks Carl N4PY for your chip to update my Paragon1 to 1.9, 
It works  superb  its  great to have band stacking on the Paragon.

73 de Gordon G3ZFZ

gordon at gibson174.plus.com

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