[TenTec] OT indoor antenna

John Stevens jwsteven at concentric.net
Wed Dec 1 05:57:59 PST 2010

My 30 foot telescoping TV mast with Wireless Internet antenna on top loads
nicely on 40m...  WiFi antennas are one of the types of antennas permitted
by the FCC in HOA neighborhoods.  And the mast is ok too.

73 john k5js

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 4:54 PM, Rob Atkinson <ranchorobbo at gmail.com> wrote:

> <<<We are now thinking of have one of the local hams (who works for the
> power company) stop by another ham's condo and hook up a wire antenna
> from the peak of his condo unit to a utility pole, letting everyone
> think it is a power line.>>>
> In other words, if it is a TV antenna or power line or anything other
> than a ham antenna it is okay, even though they are identical in
> appearance.  Which means the whole anti-antenna thing is completely
> irrational, subjective and totally idiotic.  The morons are really in
> charge.
> Rob
> K5UJ
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