[TenTec] OT: Indoor Antenna

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Thu Dec 2 08:07:22 PST 2010

The ground rod will work, but it will introduce more resistance to the
antenna feed than radials. It will tend to make the matching easier, but
the efficiency poorer.

The hazard with a ground rod is finding a sprinkler pipe, water pipe,
sewer pipe, phone line, or power line with the point of it as its
driven. Its hard to find out where those are ahead of time. The required
one call locators will probably mark water, sewer, phone, and power but
not the sprinkler. That can make slitting in radials just into the sod
nicer, but a whole lot more visible in the installation process.

A pair of wires tucked into the gap between dirt and house wall could be 
a good start, should go in quick and be out of the way of mowing.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

On 12/2/2010 7:24 AM, kf6e at mail.com wrote:
> I don't need permission to play, only to erect a basketball
> backstop.
> My next door neighbor came over one evening and after a little
> chit-chat, asked me to sign a document.  I asked what it was.  He
> said it was the permission form for him to install a storm door.  I
> need to get permission to change the color of the shutters on my
> house, or put down a piece of drift wood as decoration in the
> garden.
> I like the idea of a spiral-wound antenna with counterpoise as
> wall-mounted flag pole.  I'll start experimenting with lengths.  If
> I put the remote tuner on the ground behind bushes and run a wire up
> to the antenna, the whole thing would load.  Do you suppose an
> eight-foot ground rod right at the tuner would suffice, or would I
> still need a counterpoise?
> 73, Frank

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