[TenTec] Rhombics

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Sun Dec 5 16:29:16 PST 2010

I think the Beverage works on a bending of the radiation field very 
close to the ground which benefits receiving but is not an effect the 
antenna can create for transmitting.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

On 12/5/2010 5:09 PM, JOSEPH DAVIS wrote:
> OK on Beverage Eff.  Most use Beverage to receive and vertical or
> dipole to transmit. I am still thinking why the Beverage is so
> ineffecient for transmitt.  jjdavis
> On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Richards<jruing at ameritech.net>  wrote:
>> We used a steerable two Beverage array  (receive only) for the 160 M SSB
>> contest last Feb, and it was fabulous.  I would not want to transmit on
>> that.  Final results... 5th place in North America and First in Section
>> 8.  (We had as many contacts as some of the others, but guys on the East
>> Coast with multipliers to EU killed us...)
>> The steerable Beverage array was a wonderful receiving antenna - we
>> could null off direction signals, and focus on the immediate contact we
>> were taking at the moment - a very helpful tool dealing with the pileups.
>> We used a tower as a vertical transmitting antenna, which worked great.
>> I doubt if I will ever have either of those on my suburban lot.
>> ==========================  JHR  ===============================
>> On 12/5/2010 3:30 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
>>>> If u have land consider the Beverage antenna.  I have two and they are
>>>> simple to build and performance is excellent.
>>> Depends what you mean by performance. You can get a good directional
>>> pattern with a Beverage, and their efficiency is very low.
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