[TenTec] 6M transverter with OMNI 6?

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Tue Dec 21 10:46:05 PST 2010

I have the 2m IF version. Won't work with the Omni 6. It takes 1 to 10 
watts IF drive. I may have abused it but seems like there's not enough 
gain in the DC switching circuit so the transmitter stage bias isn't 
turned on full from RF drive and so it distorts more than when hard 
keyed (which isn't an official option). Antenna switching is with diodes 
that cause several dB loss on receive wasting a super good double gate 
MOSFET. In urban areas 7 dB NF may be good enough but I'd like to see 
better. So I began mods to my transverter to use hard keying and an 
external relay. I've had several other ways to get on 6m so finishing 
those mods have very low priority. Based on the contacts I've made with 
a marginal antenna out to a few hundred miles on a closed band, I think 
my FT-857D is doing quite well on 6m. Its not common to find a super 
station that I can't hear that can hear my 100 watts so I think it hears 

The mixer in a transverter needs only a milliwatt or less drive so the 
IF transmitter power above that has to be absorbed in an attenuator. 
When testing, I did drive my transverter with a HP608E signal generator 
that has a maximum output of 4 or 5 milliwatts. I had to hard key it 
with a clip lead. I shorted out the attenuator with another short clip lead.

The Tentec kits were pretty good performance for the bucks they cost. 
Far more competitive than those from Elecraft and Down East Microwave, 
but the hardware from Down East is most versatile and has just been 

73, Jerry, K0CQ

On 12/20/2010 2:24 PM, Don Jones wrote:
> Thanks Steve&  Jerry for the responses.
> Very useful info in both posts as usual.
> I am trying to find out a little info about the Ten Tec 1208&  1209
> Transverter's too. Are they any good? Do they have similar drive
> requirements (10W or less)?
> Don Jones KO7i
> Arlington, WA

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