[TenTec] TenTec 1254 ---THANKS
Dr. Gerald N. Johnson
geraldj at weather.net
Thu Dec 30 17:51:40 PST 2010
Experimental data. FT-857D. Takes 700 ma on receive all bands all modes.
50 to 75 ma more for full audio. Battery sense appears to have no effect
on the receive current. On 2m ssb transmit with no audio idle current is
9 amps, but with the battery sense terminal grounded its 6 amps. Since
my Simpson 260 is only good for 10 amps, I didn't try a carrier or a
lower band (no load handy there anyway). I didn't detect a current
change for DSP on or off either.
On 12/30/2010 11:07 AM, Bwana Bob wrote:
> Thanks, Dr. Jerry,
> That's interesting info. My Scout is spec'd at 600 mA on receive. I
> typically run it at 30W and have had excellent results using a low
> (NVIS) portable reel-out dipole made of AN/CRT-3 life raft antenna
> reels. I've also had good luck on 40 with a base-loaded 16 foot military
> whip mounted on my Explorer. On Field Day I used the dipole on 40, but
> we did not do well on SSB. Later I switched to CW and did much better.
> I am a believer in QRP, but I think that to maintain reliable comms
> under a variety of conditions, 20-30 watts is optimum for reliable
> communications with reasonable battery drain.
We used low antennas out of necessity long before the military called
them NVIS and on 80 and 40 worked the surrounding states very well for
ragchews, nets, and FD. One year my club was at a university
horticulture farm that also had a couple tall windmill towers just right
for an 80 meter half wave, a half wave above the ground. That killed the
nearby states but didn't give us a strong enough signal into California
to make up for not working Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska,
and Missouri. We heard California stations very well, but they heard
each other better than they heard us.
> Regarding the Yaesu FT-817, I have no experience, but guys that have
> them seem to really like them. Tokyo High Power Labs makes a 45 Watt
> linear amp designed to go with the FT-817.
Its only been a couple years that the FCC allowed that amp to be
imported. It ran afoul of the anti CB linear rules for decades.
Note, until tomorrow Gigaparts has a 10% off on everything sale if
ordered on line. My main FT857 gets a new mechanical filter for SSB in
place of the ceramic filter next week.
73, Jerry, K0CQ
> 73,
> Bob WB2VUF
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