[TenTec] New and Improved Terminology

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Fri Dec 31 10:25:43 PST 2010

I found a mention in 1998 QST that refered to an article in World Radio 
from 1955 that described NVIS, but I bet it didn't CALL it NVIS. The 
concept was well known, just wasn't called NVIS until much later. As I 
said before spark stations used low antennas and so were shooting 
straight up. They worked the same ranges as modern NVIS antennas which 
are NOT NEW, only the name is new.

That index is the Jan/Feb 2007 issue QEX page 55. The other entry is 
May/June 2007 issue QEX page 50. Nearly 20 years after Pat Hawker's 
first mention and the article by Brian Collins and Phillips in England 
where I think NVIS was first called that.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

On 12/31/2010 10:14 AM, W8BVH wrote:
> I just saw an index on ARRL's site that indicates the QEX magazine index
> mentions the NVIS antenna two times; 1950&  1955. Here is the web site for
> the index. I don't have access to QEX archives.
> http://www.arrl.org/files/file/QEX%2520Binaries/07_November/2007_Index.pdf
> Hope this is of some help.
> Best regards,
> Ralph Howes

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