[TenTec] New and Improved Terminology/Gnded tip on whip ant.

Kr01a at aol.com Kr01a at aol.com
Fri Dec 31 18:51:24 PST 2010

I can confirm that Rick's comment about missing  street
carlines relates to the only reason we ever bent  our
hut truck antennas during the "peace action" was to  avoid
overhead obstacles or excess waving while moving  (g) "Road surfaces" left 
a bit to be desired and  replacements were sometimes hard to find.  Most of 
the  time we'd just remove 
the whip to play it safe.  When parked and in service  they
were vertical.  Our comm trucks were only used in  support
of another comm hut truck with some specialized gear  used
to find who on the other side was where.  We used wire 
antennas when possible during long term stationary ops which  were 
necessary to accomplish our work.  Our  receiving antennas were really fancy for the 
second truck  (g)  
73, Mac, kr0i  
In a message dated 12/31/2010 4:17:43 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
Rick at DJ0IP.de writes:


I suspect the 6dB increase in gain was due to the  horizontal component
radiated when the antenna was bent over, not because  it was grounded.

Being in Signal Corps and stationed in Berlin, I can  tell you the main
reason we had our whips bent over was to keep them out of  the high voltage
lines of the street cars!

What I taught the guys to  do when they wanted more reliable communications
was to find a place to  stop, about 30 ft. from a tree, remove the top two
sections of the whip,  and screw in the whip-to-wire adapter, then string a
horizontal  wire.
The inverted-L significantly outperformed the whip.

Actually  the inverted ought to be the antenna of choice for many people,
because it  has a vertical component for DX and a horizontal component  for
Most people have forgotten (or never knew) how well this  antenna  can


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