[TenTec] TT Centurion AMP failure

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Fri Feb 19 08:03:24 PST 2010

  Absolutely.   I put the 10 meter board and tubes in my
new Centurion.   I had my wife, Susan, read me the
instructions... again... as I went.   We checked - and double
checked - because I read those warnings in the manual.

I have no problem with the license exams... which are designed
to assure we have at least a little dangerous information about
these things.

I also REALLY appreciate this particular post as it has been
very informative.

And for "just the facts, ma'am..."   --  my Susan and I watched
three seasons of old Dragnet shows and Joe Friday never
said that once !    She is  younger than I and was crushed.

=================  JHR  ============================

On 2/19/2010 7:02 AM, Carter wrote:

> By George, I think he's got it!!!
> - It IS an easy job.
> - There IS dangerous voltage inside.
> Didn't know how else to put it.
> "Just the facts, ma'am".


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