[TenTec] antenna analyzer reading?

Denton denton at oregontrail.net
Sat Feb 20 08:46:26 PST 2010

Hi all...a little off the Ten Tec groups, but...
I have an MFJ 259B that I use and am a little confused about the R and X 
I am trying to determine the true losses of my 235 ft horizontal loop, fed 
with 600 ohm ladderline, then to a 4 to 1 voltage balun outside the shack.
SWR seems reasonable..below 3.8 to 1 80 thru 10 meters with the exception of 
60 meters.
I run about 15 ft of good quality coax to the shack.
I also run 450 ohm feeders to the shack and a johnson matchbox to compare 
signal levels...and to be honest, I can't tell much difference on transmit 
nor recieve....except the signal to noise is a bit better with the balun vs 
the matchbox.
I have tried 4 to 1 and 1 to 1 current baluns, but the voltage balun gives 
me better matching. 

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