[TenTec] Low-pass filter?

Jim Brown K9YC k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Feb 26 18:12:15 PST 2010

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 20:57:35 -0500, John K3GHH wrote:

>Is a low-pass filter advisable or necessary with modern equipment 

I'd say no. I don't even own one. I run legal power from 160-10M and 
have never had a TVI complaint. Not even in Chicago, with neighbors 25 
ft from me. Two huge changes -- except for a few low power stations, 
virtually all TV is now digital, and most folks are getting TV from 
cable or satellite. 

There's still interference to home entertainment systems, but it's 
primarily pin 1 problems, lousy shielding, and fundamental overload, 
none of which are helped by a low pass filter. It IS a good idea to 
run serious common mode ferrite chokes on your feedlines to kill both 
radiation from them, and the pickup of RX noise. 


Jim K9YC

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