[TenTec] What model does tentec start with using computercontrol?

Rick Denney rick at rickdenney.com
Tue Jan 26 07:06:46 PST 2010

Jim Brown K9YC writes...

> I would expect that it would also work well with N1MM and HRD.
> You have to tell the software that it's a different transceiver 
> (Kenwood or ICOM, don't recall which). N4PY can tell you -- as 
> I recall, the full control compatibility was provided by his 
> chip mod (that made it a V.9). 

I use my Omni V.9 with N1MM and, with some issues that I have not yet
worked out fully, with DX-Lab. I can choose an Icom 735 or 765, or an
Omni VI and get about the same functionality.

I also use a Tigertronics USB external sound card with the universal
cable, which I configured as necessary to drive the PTT for the V, for
the digital modes. My computer's internal sound process didn't have
easy level controls, so it was $99 well-spent. Time is precious--and
I'd rather spend my soldering time doing something a little more
difficult to obtain cheaply.

All of that works, but it is not as seamless as a more modern rig in
how it interfaces with a computer. If computer control is an
overarching requirement, a newer rig might be less fiddly. I wanted a
first-class receiver for a relatively small amount of money, with
computer control down in the "let's see if I can make this work"

Rick, KR9D

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