[TenTec] more oscilloscope questions

Charles P. Steinmetz charles_steinmetz at lavabit.com
Sun Jul 11 14:03:38 PDT 2010

Patrick wrote:

>Michael Goins wrote:
> > I'm not finding any of the "good ones" for $100 or less anywhere. Most are
> > $150-200 and freight, or in fairly bad shape (as in really beat 
> up) with the
> > owners statement "lights up."
>I have often wondered about that as well. I keep hearing about the
>abundance of good "$100 and under" scopes on lots of different lists and
>forums but I have shopped and shopped and have yet to find a good scope
>in the under $100 range anywhere (ebay, QRZ, hamfests, computerfests,
>etc.). Even a lot of the $100 to $200 dollar scopes are questionable.
>Maybe I am just missing them?

I wouldn't say good scopes are plentiful under $100, but they are 
available.  IMO, the target range is $125-200.  And people often ask 
way more than they would ever sell for -- check ebay's completed 
listings to see how many don't sell at the asking price.

Over the last 18 months, I have bought an HP 1740A for $85, a 1745A 
for $110, a 1725A for $45, and two Tek 2465As, each with less than 
3000 power-up hours, one for $130 and one for $175.  All from ebay 
sellers, and all working properly.  You may have to wait a few 
months, but it can be done.  In several cases, I approached the 
sellers after a listing failed to attract any bids or to meet the 
seller's reserve.  It obviously helps if you know the particular 
machine and can ask the seller specific questions to help establish 
its operational state.

There are also price cycles on ebay due to both time of year and 
instantaneous demand (for example, this thread could increase demand 
and, therefore, prices, for a while).

Best regards,


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