[TenTec] Heat in Ten-Tec transceivers
w3krq at dejazzd.com
Wed Jul 14 13:48:40 PDT 2010
I hate to hear fans, so I got a Alinco DM 330MV IT'S ALL HEAT SINK HEAR NO
From: "Ben Hall" <kd5byb at kd5byb.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 4:18 PM
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Heat in Ten-Tec transceivers
> Hey fellas,
> I run a LOT of digital on my Paragon. Usually never more than 20 to 40
> watts out, but have "given it the full beans" up to about 80 watts to
> get some rare DX. (I kept my transmission length down when at that
> power level - 15 to 20 seconds max)
> I have the optional heat-sink fan. It gets warm, but never hot. I'm a
> fan of the heat-sink Ten-Tec fan! ;)
> Now the 960 power supply DOES get quite warm. What is odd is that the
> heatsink doesn't get hot - it gets warm - but that the whole case gets
> quite warm. If I'm running high-duty cycle, I point a small muffin fan
> at the sides of the case and it stays cool.
> thanks much,
> ben
> On 7/13/2010 11:14 PM, Zivney, Terry L. wrote:
>> I don't run digital. But, buy the heatsink fan from TenTec.
>> During this past weekends WRTC in Russia, (R31A), the coolest thing in
>> the
>> sauna tent was the Orion with the heatsink fan. We ran 24 hours solid,
>> and
>> the duty cycle between the two rigs was very close to 50% each, with one
>> of the stations virtually always transmitting during any given second
>> (that
>> was the plan, anyway!)
>> Still a big fan of my Orion. It was worth all the hassle taking it over.
>> The
>> only failures during the contest were by the operators.
>> Terry Zivney, R3/N4TZ
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> Ben Hall, kd5byb at kd5byb.net - ALWAYS OUTNUMBERED, NEVER OUTGUNNED.
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