[TenTec] Orion 2 Firmware 2.043B Released

Rsoifer at aol.com Rsoifer at aol.com
Thu Jun 3 08:41:55 PDT 2010

Many thanks, John.  I've installed it and will give it a whirl.
Ray W2RS
In a message dated 6/3/2010 2:27:24 P.M. GMT Standard Time,  
jhenry at tentec.com writes:

Based on  customer inputs we have just released new Orion 2 Firmware.
Version 2.043B.  Extensive testing was done with several beta testers
to ensure that this  release is valuable and reliable. Many problems
were resolved, and some  features were re-written. So there may be
instances where some features  don't operate or perform exactly as you
are use to in the previous released  firmware. For example, the Noise
Reduction algorithm has been redone. Under  some conditions, a NR level
of 1 may produce what appears to be pops in the  audio. This is
actually still some of the noise getting through. But as you  increase
the aggressiveness of the NR, the pops will go away and so will  the
noise floor. Different types of noise and different signal  strengths
of the recovered audio will warrant different aggressiveness  levels.
Thank you for your patience, and as always comments are welcome,  just
send an email to ditsnbits at tentec.com.

John Henry,  KI4JPL
TenTec  Engineering
TenTec  mailing  list
TenTec at contesting.com

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