[TenTec] Older Argonauts

geoffrey mendelson geoffreymendelson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 11:41:59 PST 2010

On Mar 10, 2010, at 9:26 PM, Hulett, Russell wrote:

> After becoming interested in the older QRP rigs, I bought an  
> Argonaut 505.  Am surprised there isn't a group of folks owning the  
> 505, 509 and 515 rigs to chat with about troubleshooting, repair, etc.
> Are there any Argonaut enthusiasts on this list who enjoy ragchewing  
> about these old rigs?  Hate to bug the folks on Dolly Parton Pkway  
> with questions about 40 year-old QRP gear.

There are a few of us on this list. I have a 509/405 combination. I  
don't know much about the 505, but I'm sure there are plenty of people  
who do here.

While you are waiting there are a few interesting Argo 509 videos on  
YouTube. There may be 505 ones, but to be honest I never looked.

If you don't have a manual, here is a link to the official Ten Tec  



geoffrey mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Jerusalem Israel geoffreymendelson at gmail.com
New word I coined 12/13/09, "Sub-Wikipedia" adj, describing knowledge  
or understanding, as in he has a sub-wikipedia understanding of the  
situation. i.e possessing less facts or information than can be found  
in the Wikipedia.

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