[TenTec] Best Ten-Tec bang for the buck?

Jeramy Ross w5xtl at filexiii.org
Wed Mar 31 17:48:17 PDT 2010

Hello to the list,

     I am looking to upgrade my station which currently consists of a Argo V
and a Kenwood TS-820.  I'm going to keep the 820 for several reasons, but
will probably trade off the Argo V.  Hence the question in the subject:
Which Ten-Tec offering would provide the best bang for the buck with a
budget of around $800 and possibly an Argo V?  I'm looking for a full size
HF rig, would love to have WARC bands, don't really care about 60M all that
much, a ATU would be nice, but I can live without it.  Any

73 and Thank you in advance for your time and knowledge,
Jeramy / W5XTL

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