[TenTec] Emailing: Schlitz 1952 Ad

Ka3nzr at aol.com Ka3nzr at aol.com
Thu May 13 04:02:39 PDT 2010

i took a couple of asprin! phew! what a night. it took me a while to get to 
 sleep as the adrenalin was flowing...
bob, great pix and suitable for mounting... i am going to try to print it  
out on photo paper and hang it in my shack. i have a caricature of an army 
ASA  operator sitting at a pos. one of these days i will get one of a Navy CT 
Morse  operator sitting at a pos and have it framed as well... thanks for 
your help  last night, i certainly needed it. 
cheers and 73, harry KA3NZR
In a message dated 5/12/2010 10:57:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
Phbjr at aol.com writes:

In a message dated 5/12/2010 9:55:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
k4bg at planters.net writes:
>> I thought you all might enjoy this  picture.  For those who might have a 
concern, I am not promoting  alcohol.  I thought the picture was classic.  
(((73)))  Bob  K4BG
    After the kind of band conditions I suffered  with up here tonight 
while trying to hear what was going on  with 4RN (much less checking in), I 
DEFINITELY needed some alcohol -  and I took action on that need!
    FWIW, tonight I discovered that V8 juice  makes a decent Bloody 
Mary.....     ;-) 
    Paul, K4MZRS!QX?G.........    ;-)
Paul Bock,  K4MSG
Hamilton, VA  FM19ee
Commercial:  T2, PG, DM,  Radar

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