[TenTec] TT 708 Microphone Wiring

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Fri May 21 17:56:16 PDT 2010

Here's my wild guess, working without data. I suspect there are four 
wires in the cable, colored black, white, red, and green. I suspect 
black is ground for PTT, and white is PTT. Red is audio and green is 
audio return. I'd bet that every 4 pin radio connector from Tentec has 
had the same connections, which should be clear in the Arvo V manual 
which I don't have. The connector itself is a common CB/ham audio 
connector available in nearly every Radio Shack and many truck stops.

It could be that there are only three wires and a braid shield. I'd 
expect the braid to be the audio return, black and white the PTT wires 
(intended for black to be grounded) and the remaining wire, probably red 
is the hot audio wire. The PTT wires may be inside or outside the braid. 
There's less noise to the audio if they are outside the braid so the 
braid makes the audio return, the shielded wire the hot audio and the 
other two wires make the PTT. These connections have worked for many a 
radio that I've known about in the past 55 years, but kid engineers can 
come up with new almost workable schemes.

In past times, many a TenTec microphone came from ElectroVoice since one 
of the founders of TenTec made his fortune at ElectroVoice.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

On 5/20/2010 8:02 PM, Jim Marco wrote:
> Greetings.Does anyone know the correct color code wiring for a TT 708 mic to
> a 4-pin connector for the Argo V (516) ?...The support folks at TT have no
> idea and can't help me.Almost sounds like they farmed that mic out to a
> third party.Any help would be appreciated.Many thanks.73.Jim WB2LHP
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