[TenTec] wither CW?

w1dxh at aol.com w1dxh at aol.com
Sun May 23 16:55:28 PDT 2010

I totally agree with you about them being known for the great qsk cw. Why not advertize for the great sounding audio that the radios provide. A good move for the marketing department I think. My Orion gets me fine audio reports regularly.

Steve W1DXH

-----Original Message-----
From: Bwana Bob <wb2vuf at verizon.net>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sun, May 23, 2010 2:27 pm
Subject: Re: [TenTec] wither CW?

No, they will always be the CW company. They just want to broaden their 
dversing appeal, because some hams associate them only with CW. Let's 
ace it, CW ops are in the minority and Ten Tec radios have aways had 
ood audio. I have gotten unsolicited complements on my Scout SSB signal.
                Bob WB2VUF
Rsoifer at aol.com wrote:
 That slogan's been around for a few months now.  I hope it doesn't  mean 
 that T-T is conceding the CW market to Elecraft.  Anyway, their new  Chinese 
 QRP rigs transmit only CW.
 73 Ray W2RS
 In a message dated 5/21/2010 3:07:48 P.M. GMT Standard Time,  
 kd2e at comcast.net writes:
 At  TenTec.com, under the logo ....it says "The SSB Company"
 Hmmm.....I  kinda always saw it a bit differently??
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