[TenTec] wither CW?

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Mon May 24 11:03:15 PDT 2010

Interesting, and apparently very good news for CWs.

Not to rain on your parade, but I am not sure the data supports the 
stated conclusion ...  While it suggests there are more CW operators out 
there, it is far from conclusive.   This data only proves participation 
in CW contests has increased, as measured by the number of logs 
submitted, and by the increasing number of contacts.

Thus, the total number of CW operators could have diminished, with more 
of those remaining participating each year in the contest. Moreover,  a 
greater number of contacts each year could be attributed to other 
factors, such as the use of CW skimmer and other software applications, 
and other tools, such as memory keyers and techniques decreasing the 
time it takes to complete a contact.

But ... it IS a good indication.    I am one of three guys from our 
Friday lunch bunch (or maybe 20-23 guys total)   who are learning code 
right now.  Hopefully we exemplify the newer ham licensee who wants to 
learn code for the fun of it, not because we have to.

Maybe the number of CW operators HAS been increasing, on the theory that 
kids don't take to the piano if you force them to take piano lessons, 
but will take up the instrument for life if  they start voluntarily.

Parenthetically, I suspect the reason more operators do CW then SSB in 
dual type contests, is because a CW contact generally counts for more 
points than and SSB contacts.   It is that way, for example, in the 
Michigan QSO Party, which counts two points for a CW contacts, and one 
point for an SSB contact.  I don't want to participate in the contest as 
a rookie or first-year  contestant, until I know the code, because 
unless one does CW, he has no chance of winning.

==========================  K8JHR  ================================

On 5/24/2010 1:47 AM, Jim Brown K9YC wrote:
> Anyone who thinks CW is dying ought to turn on their radio during
> a contest. Some easily available statistics:
> Contest         Logs   QSOs by Leader
> ARRL SS CW 09   1553    1597
> ARRL SS CW 08   1420    1529
> ARRL 160M 09    1366    2046
> ARRL 160M 08    1280    1753
> ARRL DX CW 09   3131    5928
> ARRL DX CW 08   2686    4797
> Note that these numbers all show increased participation year to
> year. In ARRL SS and ARRL 160M, you can work a station only once,
> so that means at least 1597 stations were on the air in SS09, and
> 2046 in ARRL 160 09 (and thats a single band contest that many
> hams cant work at all)! In ARRL DX, you can work each station on
> multiple bands.

> In most contests that run both CW and SSB simultaneously, theres
> more activity on CW than SSB.

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