[TenTec] wither CW?

N4PY2 n4py2 at earthlink.net
Mon May 24 15:28:55 PDT 2010

Nobody that is at all serious about contesting uses a straight key.  I know 
many contesters, many who are highly skilled at CW.  They all use keyers 
with memories to send their CQ's and copy in their heads to get the QSO's. 
All these people can easily copy CW at 40+ wpm in their heads.  The keyers 
are just a mechanism to send the CW with.  It is almost impossible to send 
CW at 20 wpm or higher with a straight key.  They do not use code readers. 
Code readers are useless during typical QRM during a contest.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
121 Little Bell Drive
Hays, NC 28635

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richards" <jruing at ameritech.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] wither CW?

>I don't want to hijack the thread or cause a flame war,  but I agree
> with the notion there should be more points awarded to contesters
> (contestants?) who actually pound out the code with their fist, and who
> do not use electronic keyers to generate transmitted code.  I thank we
> should reward the operator for HIS skill, not that of his computer.  I
> know this would slow the pace, and reduce the number of contacts,  but
> it would be the operator, and not his computer at work.   If contests,
> like field day, are to simulate high pressure, need to operate NOW,
> scenarios, then  he would need to have his own ability to pound the
> brass, as a computer may not be available. I don't use a voice keyer on
> SSB contests for the same reason.  If I can't talk for 24 hours, and the
> other guy can, he deserves to win.
> And, parenthetically, I'm finding this code thing terribly difficult  to
> learn!
> But I will get there, eventually...
> Just my take....
> Happy trails.
> ====================  Richards - K8JHR ====================
> On 5/24/2010 4:56 PM, Jim Brown K9YC wrote:
>> Virtually ALL serious contesters use computers to SEND CW,
>> but the vast majority I know of use the computer between
>> his/her ears to COPY it.
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