[TenTec] New TT website

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Mon May 24 17:15:46 PDT 2010

You mention Hendricks QRP Kits...     I have twice attended FDIM along 
with the Dayton Hamvention, and spent time talking and quaffing a cold 
brew with the Bob Hendricks and his crew late in the evening.   Nice 
guys, and very interested in producing a quality product.   Hendricks 
often sorts and packages the kits, himself.

I was pleased when Bob Hendricks said he purchased cases from TenTec - 
and he spoke highly of TT's  customer service, and how TT had gone out 
of its way to make them right.   One can never get too many compliments 
from one's customers.

Hendricks, like TT, both want to make good stuff.

==========================  James / K8JHR  ========================

On 5/24/2010 9:44 AM, Michael Goins wrote:

. I also use  the PFR-3 and while I like both, the HB-1A feels
more like "radio" to  me, if that makes any sense.

The PFR-3 tunes with


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