[TenTec] New Rig: Ten-Tec Triton II

Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Tue May 25 08:10:22 PDT 2010

Well for me it's a new rig!


Picked up a Triton II in fairly good shape, VFO tunes smoothly, elevator
works OK, etc.

But the amp's transistors are blown.

PT5767.  4 of them.

Dunno how many are blown yet.


I heard these are no longer available.

I will check with Ten-Tec.

Anybody have any info on this?

Any substitutes?


Otherwise there is always the possibility to bypass the PA and run it as a
10w QRP rig.

That will be OK too, for the price I paid for it.


If anyone out there has changed the finals themselves, please share your
experience with me.









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