[TenTec] Ten-Tec rebranding

Dave Edwards kd2e at comcast.net
Tue May 25 13:42:57 PDT 2010

So is the original HB-1A no longer available?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Goins" <wmgoins at gmail.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Ten-Tec rebranding

> Wow. Way too much mean here.
> Just because the ham who designed it is from China doesn't make it a
> problem rig. He has a lot of them here - check out the HB-1A yahoo
> group. No issues with the rig. Works fine and I've been around radio
> 35 years and I really, really like mine. Everything TenTec sells is
> not made in the US, but that doesn't make this deal a problem. I've
> had lots of rigs, Drakes and Hallicrafters and lots of Kenwoods and
> TenTecs back and forth for a lot of years, and most have been good,
> and maybe not quite so good, rigs at different times and with
> different models by different manufacturers.
> To denigrate the guy who designed this rig in such ways just because
> he is Chinese is totally unfair to not only him, but to every ham
> everywhere who is working at his (or her) workbench on a piece of gear
> he is designing for all of us to use. Not everything designed by those
> in the ham community from this country has been wonderful, and not all
> from some other country would be either. But his rigs have been out
> there a pretty good while and have a good reputation. There are a lot
> out there an very, very few on the used market. They work, and work
> well.
> And the fact that they are solid rigs is why obviously TenTec is his
> distribution point. What the heck is wrong with that? He has had
> serious issues getting the radio to the market and needed a good
> distributor and TenTec apparently checked him out well and decided it
> would work for both of them. Surely a company that has been such a
> stalwart of the ham community and so well respected would check him
> the rig and all possibilities (including quality of design and
> production) out well, would they not?
> Ease up. This is a ham in another country like our own Steve Weber or
> Dan Tayloe or the Elecraft guys or a multitude of others who design
> and have designed a rig. He is a ham. That he is Chinese and not
> American should make no difference to a community that is as
> international as the ham community is and always has been.
> One opinion. Mine.
> Michael Goins
> Professor, Writing
> University of Texas at San ANtonio
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Walt Amos <waltk8cv4612amos at att.net> 
> wrote:
>> I think guys who sell on the " E " place go to great trouble to solve
>> problems so as to NOT have a bad rating! We should not be saying he is a
>> CROOK unless you know for sure! Not that I want or have a HB-1A or 
>> TT-2030
>> or like imports, but I sure do have a lot of them. Some Yaesu rigs are 
>> made
>> in China. I got some cut up Broccoli at COSTCO and low and behold, it was 
>> a
>> product of CHINA ! Now there's something to worry about if you want to 
>> worry
>> ! :-)))
>> Walt K8CV Royal Oak, MI.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Richards" <jruing at ameritech.net>
>> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 3:29 PM
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Ten-Tec rebranding
>>> Oh.... gee... I don't know... what is the price difference ? Maybe
>>> the price differential would induce one to take the gamble.
>>> Of course, even if TT does not burn them in, having a local vendor
>>> willing to stand up in case of defect or damage in shipping is worth A
>>> LOT.
>>> A lot of SWLs buy those inexpensive Kaito or Degen 1102 SW rigs from a
>>> guy in China... while I purchased mine for a little more from a business
>>> in Texas... just to have the assurance I was dealing with a domestic
>>> vendor in case of any warranty, damage in shipping, or other problems.
>>> ====================== JHR ================================
>>> On 5/25/2010 2:33 PM, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP wrote:
>>>> Our choices are:
>>>> 1. buy an unknown radio from an unknown supplier in china, cheap
>>>> 2. buy that same radio for more money but from a US distributor who 
>>>> burns
>>>> in
>>>> their radios and has renowned service.
>>>> I think it would be foolish to choose #1.
>>> ============================================================
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