[TenTec] headsets

Jim WA9YSD wa9ysd at yahoo.com
Wed May 26 14:52:04 PDT 2010

I had asked that question on line here a while ago.

Some one recorded a CW QSO.  I took that WAV file and put it on a flash drive.  I have listened to that recorded QSO with the head phone I had.  I went over to the the Apple store with a 20 foot head phone extension cord,  Plugged in my flash drive into one of their display computers next to the head phone demo display and listen to that same QSO on my flash drive and I plugged in one head set after another.  At that time the Bose QC-2 stood out and in fact it had enhanced the CW town just a bit more so I could hear the last letter that was sent.

You see, the QSO had a lot of static on it and the signal was almost faded out towards last.  Simply amazing little test.
Stay on course, fight a good fight, and keep the faith.  Jim K9TF/WA9YSD


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