[TenTec] Extra class CW Sending Test

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Sat May 29 13:20:32 PDT 2010

On 5/28/2010 7:35 PM, James Duffer wrote:
> It is true, the only sending test was the Novice Test in 1967.  In 1976 at Memphis, TN the Extra Test was receipt of 5 character groups with a certain number of characters with no errors (I failed that one)  several months later it was to copy text and pass a ten question test that could be answered by the text, this I passed.  Never was their a test for actual sending.  So I didn't need a key, bug, buzzer with push back wire etc.  I thought this was true for the amateur extra class!  Now the commercial  FCC Telegraph Class I believe required a sending test.
> 73, de Jim wd4(hot)air  P.S.  I was employed by the FAA as an electronic tech (GS-856) at the time so I didn't even request a special call, that one still fit.
> _______________________________________________
The FCC administered test changed as time passed. When I took my exams 
in 1955 to 1958 (novice with a VE, general, 2nd telegraphy, and extra) 
sending was required. Though in 1956 when my dad took his general test 
by the time he adjusted the key so he could send the examiner said, "you 
can adjust the key, you can send" after my dad had only sent a couple 
letters V to feel out the key.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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