[TenTec] WTB: Paragon II

w1dxh at aol.com w1dxh at aol.com
Thu Nov 4 13:14:43 PDT 2010

Hi Dave, As an owner of a Paragon 2 I wanted to say that you will enjoy it when you get one. I have one here that I purchased from TenTec used. You may want to call Stan and mention that you are looking for one and he will let you know if they get one in trade. You don't see many come up for sale but they sure are a fine radio. Good luck

Steve W1DXH

-----Original Message-----
From: K8JDC <K8JDC at sbcglobal.net>
To: tentec at contesting.com
Sent: Wed, Nov 3, 2010 8:26 pm
Subject: [TenTec] WTB: Paragon II

Hi All,
   I'm leisurely looking for a Paragon II.  Options aren't critical but 
ant it to be fully operational and prefer one in very good condition.  
'm not really interested in the original 585 Paragon at this point.  My 
ip is 45431.  Contact me off-list if you are interested in selling one.
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enTec at contesting.com

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