[TenTec] Re 02 2.0444A questions

Rsoifer at aol.com Rsoifer at aol.com
Mon Nov 22 10:10:10 PST 2010

I'm not sure these are the best settings either, but here's what I  do.  To 
me, AGC Slope works best at 1:10 so I leave it there.  On SSB,  my front 
panel AGC button is set to Prog, which translates to Hang 0, Decay 10  dB/s 
and Threshold 1.00 uV.  On the Filtr menu, all of the optional roofing  
filters (I have them all too) are enabled and Xtal filter is set to Auto.   With 
the DSP filter set to 2750, that would auto-select the 6 kHz roofing  filter, 
which may be your problem.  If you set the DSP filter to 2400, that  should 
auto-select the 2.4 kHz roofing filter instead.
I generally use the 6 kHz roofing filter for 160-meter CW (tnx, Bob K8IA,  
for that tip) but 2.4 kHz for SSB.
Hope this helps.
73 Ray
In a message dated 11/22/2010 5:52:19 P.M. GMT Standard Time,  
Thomas.Emerson.Jr at morganstanleysmithbarney.com writes:

Hey Ray,
Not sure how well this is going to work. I'm at  work now, just checking 
for replies via the archives on this work  station.
OK, here's your answers. I have all the filters installed. It does  not do 
it on cw. It mostly occurs on 75m, at night, when lots of strong  signals 
and QRM are around. And it's not like it's happening constantly, just  
occasional popping in the audio, if very strong signals are on frequency or  nearby.
I usually keep the filter on ssb set at 2750 hz. I'm thinking maybe  I need 
to cut it below 2400, and let that roofing filter kick in. Will try it  
And the hardware nb is off.  Using nr helps, and moving the  agc slope from 
flat to one of the other 2 settings eliminates it. But I prefer  to keep 
agc slope at the flat setting, so I'm hoping someone else has  experienced 
this and found a solution other than the agc slope  adjustment.
I would think that adjusting the agc menu settings (decay,  hang, 
threshold) would do it, but I haven't found the right combo yet.
Jack  W4TJE

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