[TenTec] Re 02 2.0444A questions

Jack Emerson w4tje at wiredog.com
Mon Nov 22 20:00:39 PST 2010

ok, here's what I found out today from talking to  Ten Tec, and from Ray's 
suggestion (W2RS) here on the reflector.
Ten Tec said the occasional popping that I'm hearing is receiver overload. 
They also said I was not the first person to mention this to them with 
respect to this software version. Their suggestion was to turn on the rf 
However, I found that by following Ray's advice, and tightening up the 
roofing filter to 2.4 khz, that took care of the popping while leaving the 
audio intact.
The other way to solve it, as I mentioned last night, is to change the agc 
slope from flat to one of the other 2 settings. But I prefer not to do that, 
as the flat setting just sounds richer to the way I hear things.
The other issue, the waterfall display not being on this software version; I 
was left with the impression that it will come back in a future release. Of 
course, if it doesn't, I can always go back to a software version that has 
73 de "Not Quite as Clueless in Fancy Gap"
Jack W4TJE

-----Original Message----- 
From: Rsoifer at aol.com
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 3:55 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com ; n4py2 at earthlink.net
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Re 02 2.0444A questions

Yes, tthey're plug-in.  No soldering.

In a message dated 11/22/2010 8:43:47 P.M. GMT Standard Time,
cdistflatfoot at gmail.com writes:

are the  filters just snap in ?

On 11/22/2010 3:12 PM, N4PY2 wrote:
> Yes,  the 2.4 khz roofing is automatically selected when your DSP BW is
>  or lower.  If you put the 1,8 filter in, that will come on when you go
> 1.8 or lower.
> I believe my son, N4YDU has a 1.8 khz  filter for sale at a good price.
> Carl Moreschi N4PY
>  121 Little Bell Drive
> Hays, NC 28635
>  www.n4py.com
> ----- Original Message -----
>  From:<Rsoifer at aol.com>
>  To:<tentec at contesting.com>;<n4py2 at earthlink.net>
> Sent:  Monday, November 22, 2010 3:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Re 02 2.0444A  questions
>>  Right.
>> In a message dated 11/22/2010  7:47:03 P.M. GMT Standard Time,
>> cdistflatfoot at gmail.com  writes:
>> Ok , so  I might try a 1.8 filter for ssb  and this only helps if I am
>> narrower than  2.4kwith dsp  filtering  is that correct ?  and if I have
>> the   filter selection on auto it will kick on only when the dsp is
>> 2.4  .  John
>> On 11/22/2010  2:16 PM, N4PY2 wrote:
>>> The Orion  comes with a standard  2400 hertz roofing filter for SSB and
>>> standard  1000  hertz roofing filter for CW.
>>> Carl Moreschi  N4PY
>>>   121 Little Bell Drive
>>> Hays,  NC 28635
>>>    www.n4py.com
>>> ----- Original  Message -----
>>>    From:<Rsoifer at aol.com>
>>>  To:<tentec at contesting.com>
>>>   Sent: Monday,  November 22, 2010 2:06 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Re 02   2.0444A questions
>>>>  Barry,
>>>>   Most of the time  I'd agree with you, but as Jack described his
>>  situation,
>>>> a
>>>> roofing filter narrower  than 6 kHz (be it  2.4 or 1.8) might help.
>>  CW,
>>>> I generally use 300 Hz,  except on 160 where a  wide roofing filter
>>>> the  DSP NR  (as long  as there isn't too much strong local
>>>> 73 Ray   W2RS
>>>>  In a message  dated 11/22/2010 6:57:48 P.M. GMT Standard  Time,
>>>>   barry.n1eu at gmail.com  writes:
>>>> For ssb,  the dsp   filtering will be sufficient 99% of the time.  If
>>  you're
>>>>   a
>>>> somewhat serious  ssb contester, pop a 1.8Khz filter in -  otherwise,
>>  don't
>>>> bother.  Narrow roofing filters   potentially help much more with   cw.
>>>> Barry   N1EU
>>>> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 6:32 PM,  John  Molenda
>>>>    <cdistflatfoot at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>  Hi Ray , I  have no optional  roofing filters in my Orion II but
>>>>>   sometimes wished for them   .  what filter would be my first and
>>>>>  choice to load up on ssb  .  I work ssb 75  percent of the time  and
>>>>> just looking to  narrow things  up  when needed .  thanks  John
>>>>> On  11/22/2010   1:10 PM, Rsoifer at aol.com wrote:
>>>>>>    Jack,
>>>>>>    I'm  not sure these  are the best settings either, but here's
what  I
>>>>   do.
>>>>>     To
>>>>>> me, AGC Slope works  best at 1:10 so I  leave  it there.  On SSB,  my
>>>>    front
>>>>>> panel AGC button is set to  Prog,  which  translates to Hang 0, Decay
>>>>>>  10
>>>>>     dB/s
>>>>>>  and  Threshold 1.00 uV.  On the Filtr menu,  all of the  optional
>>>>>> roofing
>>>>>>  filters (I  have them all too) are enabled and Xtal filter  is set
>>>>   Auto.
>>>>>   With
>>>>>> the DSP filter set   to  2750, that would auto-select the 6 kHz
>>>>>>  roofing
>>>>>     filter,
>>>>>     >   which may  be your problem.  If you set the DSP filter to
>>  that
>>>>>     should
>>>>>>   auto-select the 2.4 kHz roofing  filter    instead.
>>>>>> I generally  use the 6 kHz  roofing filter  for 160-meter CW (tnx,
>>>>   K8IA,
>>>>>> for that  tip) but 2.4 kHz for    SSB.
>>>>>> Hope this   helps.
>>>>>> 73    Ray
>>>>>>  In a message  dated 11/22/2010  5:52:19 P.M. GMT Standard   Time,
>>>>>>      Thomas.Emerson.Jr at morganstanleysmithbarney.com   writes:
>>>>>      >
>>>>>> Hey Ray,
>>>>>> Not sure  how well this  is  going to work. I'm at  work now,  just
>>>>   checking
>>>>>> for  replies  via the archives on this  work   station.
>>>>>> OK, here's your  answers. I  have  all the filters installed. It
>>>>>>   not
>>>>>   do
>>>>>> it on cw. It mostly  occurs on 75m,  at night, when lots of  strong
>>>>    signals
>>>>>> and QRM are around. And it's not like  it's   happening constantly,
>>>>>>  just
>>>>>> occasional popping in the  audio,  if  very strong signals are on
>>>>    frequency
>>>>> or  nearby.
>>>>>>  I  usually  keep the filter on ssb set at 2750 hz. I'm thinking
>>>>>>   I
>>>>>  need
>>>>>> to cut it below 2400, and let that   roofing filter  kick in. Will
>>  it
>>>>>>    tonight.
>>>>>> And the hardware nb is  off.   Using nr  helps, and moving the  agc
>>  slope
>>>>>   from
>>>>>   >   flat to one of the other 2  settings eliminates  it. But I
>> to
>>>>    keep
>>>>>> agc slope at the flat setting, so I'm hoping  someone  else  has
>>>>>     experienced
>>>>>>   this and found a solution  other  than the agc slope    adjustment.
>>>>>> I would think that adjusting  the  agc  menu settings (decay,  hang,
>>>>>>  threshold) would do  it,  but I haven't found the right combo  yet.
>>>>>>   Jack   W4TJE
>>>>>     >
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