[TenTec] Stealth Antennas and restricted QTHs

Charles P. Steinmetz charles_steinmetz at lavabit.com
Mon Nov 29 19:32:00 PST 2010

Ray wrote:

>The PA HOA is much more strict.  There are only one or two people
>with dishes, and I suspect that's because the FCC requiring
>accommodation for 1 meter or less TV receiving dishes.

Ah, yes, the "OTARD" rule.  From the FCC OTARD "information sheet" 

"The rule (47 C.F.R. Section 1.4000) . . . prohibits restrictions 
that impair the installation, maintenance or use of antennas used to 
receive video programming. The rule applies to video antennas 
including direct-to-home satellite dishes that are less than one 
meter (39.37") in diameter (or of any size in Alaska), TV antennas, 
and wireless cable antennas. The rule prohibits most restrictions 
that: (1) unreasonably delay or prevent installation, maintenance or 
use; (2) unreasonably increase the cost of installation, maintenance 
or use; or (3) preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal."

If one's standards for an "acceptable quality signal" are very high, 
one might find the need to mount one's DTV dish or TV antenna at the 
top of 60' of Rohn 25, to ensure freedom from fading under all 
conditions.  And once the video antenna is properly mounted....

Best regards,


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