[TenTec] Ten-Tec Eagle 599

Walt Amos waltk8cv4612amos at att.net
Sat Oct 2 19:35:06 PDT 2010

W4RT or Clifton Labs will have a COTTAGE INDUSTRY installing IF ports on the 
back of EAGLES :-)

Walt K8CV Royal Oak, MI.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Christensen" <w9ac at arrl.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Ten-Tec Eagle 599

>> the new Eagle, and wonder why one doesn't just use the two +12V  RCA
>> connectors that Ten-Tec supplies on the back of the rig and rewire them 
>> as
>> desired.
> That depends on how the RCA jacks are attached to the rear panel.  If a PC
> sub-board is attached directly to the RCA jacks, it's not as simple as
> unsoldering a wire pair.  Looking at the Eagle's rear panel, it indeed 
> looks
> like the RCA, DIN, USB , and key jacks are all PCB-mounted types, meaning
> they are likely all "wireless" jacks.  In that case, it may be possible to
> etch the circuit board trace and add RG-174 cabling to an I.F. buffer
> circuit.  Doing so could void the warranty at TT's discretion, and based 
> on
> my experience with the sale of other equipment, it could devalue the
> transceiver unless the prospective purchaser does not mind having a PCB's
> circuit traces modified.  If the jacks were wired, reversal is generally
> easy with no evidence left behind of the modification.
> Many folks will want an I.F. port.  My thinking is that a well-drilled BNC
> jack on the rear panel, connected to a Clifton Labs' Z10000B buffer amp
> that's professionally mounted inside the Eagle could mean a transceiver
> that's worth more on the used market than the sum of the two devices.
> Again, there could be warranty concerns for original Eagle purchasers.
> Plenty of folks will want the port, but a large number of users do not 
> have
> the skills necessary to make it all happen -- and do it in away that's
> electrically and cosmetically non-destructive to the rig.  If third-party
> support becomes available for rig control through an SDR program (e.g.,
> PowerSDR-IQ, WinRad, or SpectraVue), all the more demand for such a 
> modified
> Eagle.
> Paul, W9AC
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