[TenTec] Is The Eagle really soaring yet?.

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Wed Oct 13 08:37:47 PDT 2010

Very poor choice because the 1N4007 has a structure like a PIN diode and 
so is slow to recover at RF, once turned on it makes an attenuator for 
many cycles. That and considerable capacitance makes it a killer of 
receiver sensitivity used as a clipper.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

On 10/13/2010 10:29 AM, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP wrote:
> Agree all points, Jerry.
> Why I used 4007 back to back?
> I put the darn thing together in a pinch to add in an external RX antenna.
> The 4007 were the only thing I had with me.
> The diodes were not used for switching, just for clipping.
> In other rigs I have used reed relays, keyed by the internal "T" signal to
> switch out before the juice came.
> I don't understand why so many folks make such a big deal out of the missing
> RX antenna.
> I have added this to more rigs than I can count.
> It's about the simplest mod one can make.
> 73
> Rick

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