[TenTec] Comparison of Ten Tec Orion II with Flex 500A

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Thu Oct 14 15:07:33 PDT 2010

A comparison was asked of the Flex "500A" and the Orion II.  Was Flex 
5000 really meant?  If so, unfortunately, the front end of the Flex 5000 
was picking up higher band stations, (when on 40m SSB, it heard 20m 
SSB), from another Field Day station, on the other side of our Field Day 
site.  I would think the roofing filters in the Orion II are superior to 
the type of receiver the Flex line has had since their first model.  
Thus, likely the Orion II receiver is superior in all tests with strong 
signals in the vicinity of the receiver under test.  The use of the 
computer to run the radio is a downside to my traditional preferences 
for an all in one, radio box.
I am not a fan of large computer displays so the smaller band scopes 
don't bother me in the case of the Ten Tec and other such radios.  To 
me, real radio is knobs, not a mouse. and computer.  ;-)

-Stuart Rohre

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