[TenTec] eagle

Carl Winkles jcwinks at att.net
Mon Oct 18 18:39:06 PDT 2010

I have been enjoying the problem of finding a place for the Eagle on my desk. I was kind of thinking it would be like a 100 watt Argonaut V, but it's more like a little Orion. And yes, it is significantly better than a Jupiter.
Carl, K4SEV

--- On Mon, 10/18/10, Paul DeWitte <k9ot at yousq.net> wrote:

From: Paul DeWitte <k9ot at yousq.net>
Subject: [TenTec] eagle
To: tentec at contesting.com
Date: Monday, October 18, 2010, 2:20 PM

If the Eagle has landed somewhere, it must be a secret as I do not see 
anyone talking about how theirs is great or not so great.

Paul K9OT 

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