[TenTec] Hercules II, Titan (Model 425), and Antenna tuner Model 253 for sale

Alan Zaur alanlzaur at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 13:13:56 PDT 2010

I have decided to sell some of my excess gear in order to reduce the 
size of my operating position.  I have for sale the following:

     1.  Ten Tec Hercules II with Model 9420 power supply. Unit is in 
excellent condition physically and electrically. It works exceptionally 
well with the Omni-6 Plus. Price: $1350 plus shipping.

     2.Ten Tec Model 253 autotuner. Unit is in good condition and 
operates perfectly. Price $600 plus shipping.

     3. Ten Tec Titan (Model 425) amplifier with power supply. Has fan 
speed switch on power supply.  Great condx Unit has had power supply 
capacitors replaced. Price $1600 plus shipping.

Please contact me off list if you have any interest in this equipment:  
AlanZaur at Comcast.Net

Alan Zaur K1MZM

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