[TenTec] Looking for a cheap rig...etc.

Dave Plews djplews at comcast.net
Sat Sep 4 10:05:24 PDT 2010

Therefore, with the budding interest in operating CW the discussion should 
be toward a keyboard and an automated Morse code reader I suppose (J/K).
Very likely many of you in this forum started out with quite modest 
equipment unless, of course, your father was your Elmer and he had been on 
the air chasing rare DX for years.  As for me, I can tell stories about my 
first year on the air with my Knight T-50 transmitter and my Hallicrafters 
SX-146.  After several months with crystal control only I made my way to 
Allied Radio on 100 North Western Avenue in Chicago to buy a Knight V-44 VFO 
which allowed me to then work all the bands from 80 to 10 meters.  With that 
I was able to obtain WAC and WAS of which I'm still proud of this day more 
than 40 years later.
I can still recall my first transmit/receive antenna switch, too.  It was a 
ceramic DPDT knife switch!  Wish I still had it!  Got lost in moves I guess.
Starting out with modest gear is the way to start IMHO.
GL and gud DX.  My 73, Dave W9TG...

From: "Roy" <royanjoy at ncn.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 11:37 AM
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Looking for a cheap rig...etc.

There's an old admonition principle example applying here, "Don't ever buy
your young child who is budding an interest science a Cheap Microscope, lest
the blurry, low quality images forever destroy that new interest." With the
many internet trinkets attracting kids by the groves, new hams might be
better off with the more high-performing rigs to keep them going.

73,   Roy            K6XK

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