[TenTec] cheap rigs

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Sun Sep 5 12:55:31 PDT 2010

Hi Mike,

It is possible that you are just seeing the original post one time, 
followed by a bunch of responses by other people. When people respond 
with the original message still fully intact, especially if their 
response it added to the bottom instead of to the top, it appears as a 
whole bunch of repeats of the same original message. It would be nice if 
when people respond to posts they edit out everything except the 
particular sentences they are commenting on. None of us really needs to 
see the Ten-Tec email reflector footer multiple times at the bottom of a 
message, nor do we want the see the promotions from several email 
service providers at the bottom of messages. It is simple (with most 
email programs) to delete all of that stuff before sending a response 
message. I guess a lot of people don't care or are too lazy to do it.

> Can anyone tell me why I am getting multiple copies of messages?  Sometimes
> as many as 6 copies of the same message.

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