[TenTec] Orion II and Titan III For Sale

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Tue Sep 7 21:01:12 PDT 2010

Lou...  how COULD you sell them to make... er...  "room" ?

You obviously have too many shoes... or furniture...  or family 
members...   ;-)

Suggestion -- Instead of selling the radio, why not turn these pieces 
into dual-purpose items, like stacking them under a glass top, and 
converting them into a coffee table... or stacking them in a corner 
under a lamp so they also serve as a reading lamp ?

Your imagination is your only limitation.  You could toss your kids out 
- it does not matter they are only 11 years old,  as one is never too 
young to become truly independent...    You would be doing them a HUGE 
favor.    Same same with the XYL.    You get the idea...

Hey.. is this thing on ?                ;-)

=====================   JHR  ===============================

On 9/6/2010 10:45 AM, Lou Hodges wrote:
> I have the following items that I purchased new for sale:

am moving to a new location and am going to
> downsize my equipment to fit the new QTH


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