[TenTec] The Eagle
jruing at ameritech.net
Sun Sep 26 12:35:36 PDT 2010
On 9/26/2010 14:59, Steve Berg wrote:
> I have thought about buying an Omni VII for some time. I am somewhat
> reticent about it as it is more of a computer than a radio,
This is its chief virtue, I think. Newer radios are
all incorporating digital processes and technologies
and it seems the way of the future.
and after
> all of the complaining on this list about other high performance
> computer/radios I am leery of winding up with an overly complex and
> temperamental radio.
I am a new ham. The Omni VII is my first transceiver
and it is 1) stable, 2) predictable, and 3) extremely
intuitive and sensible to operate.
A few guys and I look to have placed 4th place in a
major contest... we all used the same radio, the
Omni VII and it was easy for each operator to work
and no one complained about it. Two of the guys
own K-3s and no one said they would rather have
used something else. No slam on the K-3 -- just that
everyone who has one enjoyed using the Omni VII
and no none complained it was hard to use.
> Right now, I have my Omni V.9 hooked up to my Elecraft 6 meter
> transverter and the same old Mirage amplifier.
Stick with it. It appears you have already decided
you don't want the Omni VII.
> I run a Corsair II on HF, and it also does very well. It is simple,
> works great, but is getting long in the tooth.
Radios are like cars... we decide we want a new one,
and then we find reasons for doing so.
> The most fun I have had on HF, was when I was running my Heath HW-9, and
> later the Argonaut II. Both of these radios are simple, effective, and
> even for someone like me with XXL size hands, easy to use.
You are talking yourself out of a new Omni VII.
> I am thinking about one of these Eagles, but they do not have a separate
> 6 meter antenna connector, and I am not sure if one would be easy enough
> to use to replace the Corsair II. If I get an Eagle or Omni VII, I
> could replace most of my HF and 6 meter gear with one box, which would
> leave enough room in the shack to keep my Drake 2B, and Gonset GSB-100
> station set up all the time. I am not a competitive contest operator,
> and appreciate simplicity, durability, and longevity over the latest and
> greatest.
> Does anyone here have any comments on how I might proceed?
I think you should stay the current course. This is
a lot of money to spend on something you are not
all that keen on. You should not buy a new radio
without a clearly defined goal, or reason, and can
identify specific features on the new rig that will
attain the goal, that cannot be attained using your
existing equipment.
You face a popular dilemma. You may WANT a new radio,
but not NEED a new radio. We all do that to some extent.
But you should not buy a new rig until you figure you NEED
one. Otherwise, you will not be happy with the purchase.
It will not be satisfying unless it solves a problem you cannot
solve any other way with your existing gear.
Just MY take.
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