[TenTec] The Eagle - or Gonset GSB-100?

Joe Roberts jroberts at io.com
Sun Sep 26 13:47:44 PDT 2010

> Does anyone here have any comments on how I might proceed?
> 73,
> Steve WA9JML


I can't tell you how to proceed but I know where you are coming from. I 
run an Omni V.9, misc Omni C and Triton type gear, FT-102, and a TS-830.

The lure of new technology and topologies is very seductive. I often 
dipped into the pool of newer radios, mostly JA rigs, then went back to 
my analog 1980s technology base.

I even sold an Omni VI opt 3 and kept my Omni V. The DSP creeped me out.

I too have wanted an Omni VII for years. I wonder if it can really beat 
a Corsair II with an external VFO for making contacts. I remember 
ripping up split pileups with this intuitive combo.

I think a good (old) basic radio is enough to make me happy...if it is 
at the Ten Tec level of performance. To this day, I can sit there 
stupefied for hours over how good a Triton works.

Maybe I am just easy to please. Thank goodness.

I still really desire an up to date computer rig again so I can set up a 
digital mode/logging/CW sweeper/HRD DM780/JT65 setup and I'll probably 
do it soon. But I don't expect it to "beat" a Triton 544 on every criterion!

That Gonset station would be a hoot to operate though. Can't you "go 
vertical" to fit it in the shack?


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